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Point of Sale Plastic CNC Machined Parts

Check out our Point of Sale Plastic CNC Machined Parts!

Importantly, Sentinel Plastics is a CNC Machining Plastic Component Parts key provider to many blue chip Companies. Thus, Customers expect nothing less than cutting edge Machining capabilities. Certainly, we do not disappoint. Notably, our Computer Aided Design (CAD) is at the heart of the factory, literally based in a central position on the shop floor. Perfectly positioned, surrounded by all the technology required to meet Customer needs. The Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system enables fast, precise, high Quality Plastic Components to be continuously produced.

Feel free to call us at 01384 633082 if you want further details about Point of Sale Plastic CNC Machined Parts.

For more information on Point of Sale Plastic CNC Machined Parts talk to Sentinel Plastics Limited

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