Small solar panels
Small solar panels There are a wide variety of small solar panels available, choosing the correct one is very important. To make sure you purchase the best small solar panels, we have written this blog to try and assist. The 1st thing we have to understand is that these are usually designed around 12v solar panel applications, usually orientated towards battery charging. This is then is known as an off grid charging system when a 12 volt solar panel is used. We have tried many of the 12v solar panels available, some good and some we would not touch again. It is possible to understand the difference between these variations of 12 volt solar panels, number one being build quality. This is a fundamental part where solar panel small defects can become serious flaws in the products ability to perform its duties for a long period of time. So we aim our standards high using only a couple of manufactures who produce a consistent standard of the small solar panels. One of these is Victron solar panels UK, in which they use mini solar cells specifically designed to make up a Victron solar kit to match the needs of the project. Our best of the smallest solar panels, are the victron 140w solar panel and the 115wm, these are closely followed by the 175w to make up Victron solar kits. So we would say for build quality and overall performance that these Victron energy products provide.
For more information on Small solar panels talk to Solar Dragons