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Designed specifically to remove the need for manual handling this assembly can be used in conjunction with any of the filling units within our range. Each unit is robustly constructed, built with the highest quality materials and to the highest manufacturing standards.
The boom allows for the filling of single or multiple palletised containers with particular advantage on containers larger than 5 litres. The assembly is counter balanced with positional locks activated during the filling cycle and is available in top fill or neck entry for non foaming products or full diving fill format for foaming products.
Models available as standard
top fill single head
neck entry fill single head
bottom fill single head
All models available with following features as standard
304 stainless steel tubular sections
high molecular weight rollers complete with sealed bearings
remote start and emergency stop
pneumatic positional locks
stainless steel hose support spring
Options include
Custom desi to suit individual application
Use in conjunction with weighing platforms or flow meters
For more information on Neck Fill Entry Single Head Palletised Container Filling Assembly talk to SP Filling Systems Ltd
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