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Waveguide Down Converter Mixer WR-19 From 40 GHz to 60 GHz, IF From DC to 18 GHz And LO Power of +13 dBm, UG-383/U Flange, U Band
Should you require further information on Waveguide Down Converter Mixer WR-19 From 40 GHz to 60 GHz, IF From DC to 18 GHz And LO Power of +13 dBm, UG-383/U Flange, U Band Pleas do not hestitate to contact our sales and support team for our swift service and support.

For more information on Waveguide Down Converter Mixer WR-19 From 40 GHz to 60 GHz, IF From DC to 18 GHz And LO Power of +13 dBm, UG-383/U Flange, U Band talk to SpecTech Limited

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