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Fundraising 2023

When deciding which charity the SCE Group would support with our fundraising efforts in the 2023/24 fiscal year, we decided to do something different, and support causes close to #TeamSCE by taking suggestions. Once the suggestions and supporting reasons were reviewed, we have settled on three great causes: ANDYSMANCLUB, the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, and the Wadsley 150th scout group.

ANDYSMANCLUB was suggested by bxh Scunthorpe branch manager, Isaac Gray. The men’s mental health charity aims to end the stigma and help men through the power of conversation. They are tackling an alarming fact: the biggest killer of men in the UK under the age of forty-five is suicide.

Isaac suggested ANDYSMANCLUB due to his personal experience. The charity helped him through his own tough period of mental health struggles and the help he received would later motivate him to become a facilitator at their Goole club; since 2019, Isaac has been helping those who helped him.

Technical Estimator for Street Cranexpress, Louise Brammer, suggested the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Louise has two cousins who are living with the condition, seeing through her family the debilitating effect it has on the lives of those who suffer with it. Living with cystic fibrosis means Louise’s cousins will need constant treatment throughout their lives.

The Cystic Fibrosis Trust fights for medical advancements, support for families, and to raise awareness of the condition. Louise has seen how important fundraising is to help the charity and is taking part in a 20km walk in aid of them.

Finally, we are supporting the Wadsley 150th Scout Group, this was suggested by service engineer, Mel Burke. Mel is a leader with the group, who provide fun and challenging activities throughout the year for children aged six to thirteen years old.

The SCE Group’s Chairman, Simon Eastwood, has set a target of raising £10,000 through the 2023-24 fiscal year, the “Chairman’s Challenge” will involve several fundraising events throughout the year, and we are delighted to be supporting two fantastic organisations in ANDYSMANCLUB and the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

We will be taking part in a walk around the peaks of Edale and are asking for donations to our team members for the charities above. Follow this link if you would like to donate: JustGiving Page

“After raising money for local causes for many years I am delighted that the three charities we are supporting this year have been chosen by members of our team who have close connections to them.”

Simon Eastwood, the SCE Group Chairman


For more information on Fundraising 2023 talk to Street Cranexpress Ltd

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