About Us
TELSONIC UK was the first subsidiary established in 1977 and based in Poole Dorset. We have a complete laboratory with a full range of equipment and tooling for trials and demonstrations complimented by a team of engineers with over 100 years of experience. TELSONIC offers a full design facility using an FEA tooling package and joint design recommendations as part of our service. Our range of plastic welding equipment includes hand-held units, bench top systems & bespoke welding systems. We have a range of equipment aimed at the OEM market to which we supply actuators, generators, ultrasonic stacks (converters and boosters) including tooling for specialist machine builders to integrate into fully automated assembly systems. Other ultrasonic areas covered are: textile cut n seal, metal welding, ultrasonic cleaning and high power processing. Capability of proof of principal equipment and new SONIQTWIST® for welding of thin membranes and filters without diaphraming and pin holing of the material.