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90 Degree Countersink Carbide Burrs
Good for countersinking for many screw heads. Three sizes stocked. Also effective on wood.

90 degree countersink carbide burrs suit many screw heads, making these burrs useful in both metal and wood. This range is suitable for ferrous and hard metal, as well as wood. They are typically used on die grinders, but can also be used in drill and lathe chucks.


  • Tungsten carbide tip.
  • Double fluted for hard metal
  • 6mm spindle suits most die-grinder collets.
  • 8mm spindle on larger size may better suit chucks.
  • Also suitable for wood.
  • Size is given as burr dia x length x (spindle dia x length).

        For more information on 90 Degree Countersink Carbide Burrs talk to Tools House

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