New 70/70 gear pump received

We love unboxing new equipment. Today we received a new GMA 70/70 gear pump for a local customer. GMA are a high quality Taiwanese supplier of sheet dies, feedblocks and gear pumps. Highly recommended. Visit Extrusion Die – GMA Machinery
Email jsmith@transxl.co.uk for more info.
19.) 18th June 2024
Transformation Tuesday
This 1200mm wide Maier winder is being prepared for shipment in a container to Central America. Some machines are designed to fit into containers, and some are not. In this case we had to cut the legs so they can be welded back into place onsite. Its often and under appreciated part of selling second hand machinery. The crew are very skilled, and will try and judge the safest way to break down and load.
For more information on New 70/70 gear pump received talk to TransXL International Ltd