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The Durability Of Pallet Racking

The key to successful logistics operations is efficiency and streamlined processes, both of which are highly dependent on pallet racking systems.

A core component of containerisation alongside the forklift, the shipping container and the wooden pallet, a pallet racking system is a storage optimisation system that takes advantage of vertical space and the easy movement of goods attached to pallets to store and retrieve them as required.


There are a lot of different types of pallet racking systems out there, but ultimately for many operators of warehouses and other logistic centres, the three factors that matter most for any racking are whether it is a good investment, is fit for purpose and how long it will last.

Each point feeds into the others, and the question of durability is dependent on a wide range of factors, including how suitable the particular system is to a particular workflow, how intensely it is used, the quality of the system and a range of other factors.


What Affects The Durability Of Pallet Racking?



It is more difficult than one might expect to calculate the exact lifespan of a pallet racking system, simply because this figure is exceptionally variable.



If used properly in an optimum environment, a well-made pallet racking system can last decades, but the lifespan of its durability is based on a wide range of different factors.



The first is how intensely it is used and particularly how its load capacity is managed. This will typically be clearly noted by the manufacturer and be one of the main components that will be inspected.



As well as this, it is not just the loads that are placed on the racking but the intensity that goods are put on and taken off the racking, which can subject the frame to particular types of loads.



Ensuring that the racking is used correctly through rigorous training, safety signs, and the installation of mesh and barriers that stop accidental collisions is key to ensuring the continued safe usage of the equipment.



Next, the quality of the materials and how they are installed is critical. The frame needs to be made of a particularly strong material such as steel, designed in a way to maximises its load capacity and safety.

Alongside this, the quality of the design can be all for nothing if it is not installed correctly.



Improper or inadequate installation and securing of the different components of the racking system can lead to loads being inappropriately spread throughout the system, increasing the risk of a potentially catastrophic failure.



This also includes regular inspection routines, where bolts are tightened, damaged components are identified and replaced, and concerns such as corrosion or impact damage can be addressed.

Alongside these factors are more environmental factors that can affect durability, such as air quality, humidity and corrosion risks, which can deplete the racking of its ability to fulfil its purpose.



The telltale signs to look out for that suggest a racking system may be at risk of failure are uprights that are bent or twisted, beams that are loose or cracked, loads not distributed evenly on the beams and any evidence of rust or other damage.

For more information on The Durability Of Pallet Racking talk to UK Shelving Ltd

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