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What is the lifespan of a mannequin?

When shopping for inexpensive mannequins for sale, you might have been wondering how long these cheaper commodities might last. It is a common question, especially as cheaper products are often connected with a less durable frame. 


The good news is, when you shop mannequin for sale at Valentino’s Displays, you are purchasing the very best value for money items. So, while the average lifecycle of a mannequin is around seven years, ours will last much longer. 

When your mannequin in the shop display does finally get replaced, it is unlikely to be because it is no longer functional. 


Why do clothes mannequins usually get thrown away? 


There are many reasons why you might want to replace your mannequin after seven years: 


  • A store might be scaling back the business locations, meaning the store mannequin is surplus to requirements, 
  • The business might have gone bankrupt, in which case, they may be looking for people to buy mannequins from them, as well as everything else in the store. 
  • The mannequins for retail store might be broken. The cost of repair might then outweigh the cost of buying a new one. 
  • A new team might take over the clothing business with a different vision for how the mannequin displays should look. 

At Valentino’s, we believe it is our responsibility to help reduce these issues so that you get a longer life out of your realistic mannequin. 


How we can help make your fashion mannequin last longer 


When you buy a mannequin for sale cheaply, it is usually because you don’t want to spend hundreds of pounds on an expensive one. But, as we all know, this can often be a false economy, as cheaper ones don’t tend to last as long. 

At Valentino’s Shop Fittings, we go above and beyond to make sure you get inexpensive mannequins for sale that last longer than the average seven years. 


  • Our low prices mean you are less likely to have to scale back business operations. Of course, we have no say in rent or utilities, but one thing you can be sure of is that your retail fittings won’t break the bank. 
  • Again, bankruptcy is less likely to be an issue if you’re not paying over the odds to kit out your retail store. 
  • Each shop mannequin for sale is well made, with high-quality, durable materials. They are created to stand in high-traffic areas, so they are less likely to break, ensuring they last longer. 
  • New owners are less likely to want to change the mannequin in the shop display, as our designs are timeless, transcending fashion seasons and taking you through years of service. 


How to dispose of your clothes mannequins 


If the worst happens and you do have to get rid of a mannequin or two, then these bulky products are not very landfill-friendly. Unfortunately, this is where their durability and high-quality construction work against them. However, there are ways you can recycle your store mannequin, even when it seems beyond repair. 


When you buy mannequin models, you rarely think about how you will dispose of them. But there are companies around the UK and the rest of the world that will take your broken mannequins for retail store and repurpose them. 


Whole mannequins can often be repaired and sold, while mannequins that are beyond repair can usually be deconstructed, with parts of your realistic mannequin being salvaged. A mannequin arm, for example, could be a great jewellery holder, or a leg could showcase anklets, socks, or hosiery. Before you dispose of your fashion mannequin, you might want to reconsider whether it can be repurposed in your store. 


If not, contact companies like which will take your mannequins and recycle them for free. You get rid of your excess mannequins and the environment benefits, so you can claim to be an eco-friendly store that cares about waste. This is an important topic for many customers these days and may be a great PR spin for you.


What if your clothes mannequins are beyond repair? 


It may be time to get crafty! If you’ve bought a mannequin for sale cheap and it no longer fulfills its purpose, rather than add it to the ever-growing pile of rubbish in a landfill, why not think about how you can use it in Halloween displays? Perhaps you might be able to donate your mannequin to an art project or scroll Pinterest for some ways to upcycle your realistic mannequin. 


Alternatively, take a picture of your broken or unused mannequin in shop and pop it on a marketplace or auction site. You might not make a huge profit on your store mannequin, but you’ll be surprised at how your trash can become someone else’s treasure. Just be honest about what the damage is and your mannequins for retail store will quickly find a new home. 


One thing we do not advocate is the burning of our shop mannequin for sale. This is because the materials used in their construction may be toxic, polluting the environment and potentially damaging the health of anyone nearby. 


Why Valentino’s shop fittings advocates for a circular economy 


The fashion industry is one of the biggest sources of pollution in the world, and most of that comes from the huge amount of waste it generates. We know that cheap manufacturing and materials are at the heart of this problem, but we also recognise the fact that businesses need to earn money to stay afloat, especially in such a tough retail climate. 


That is why we continue to make inexpensive mannequins for sale, but we place a huge focus on creating products that last. And we want to help you reduce your environmental impact with helpful articles like this one, showing you where you can make a difference. 

So, if you need any more help with getting the most out of your clothes mannequins, get in touch and we will do our best to advise you. 


For more information on What is the lifespan of a mannequin? talk to Valentino's Displays

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