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COVID-19 is currently impacting us in ways we could never have imagined, affecting us all in a personal and professional manner with new challenges being created every day.


As the outbreak continues to develop in the UK, we would like to assure our customers that W.H.Tildesley Ltd will make every effort to ensure continuity of supply throughout these uncertain times.


The UK Government has stated it is important for businesses to carry on and we do not currently fall within the scope of the Government shutdown programme. We service a number of key industries such as Medical, Power Generation, Defence, Waste Management, Transportation that are important to the UK economy and UK infrastructure, with many of our customers still operating.


THE RT HON ALOK SHARMA MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, issued a letter to those working in manufacturing and industry 8th April 2020. Click here.

“As you know, the Government’s priority is saving lives and we have advised that where possible, people should stay at home and work from home. However, our country needs your support to keep supply chains moving and key workers mobile, as well as to protect the economy as much as possible. Every business has a role to play in helping the country defeat coronavirus.

Manufacturing is a critical part of our economy and I would like to be clear that there is no restriction on manufacturing continuing under the current rules...”


A full copy of the letter can be viewed by clicking here.

The health and safety of our employees is our highest concern. We will continue to follow all guidelines set out by the UK government, Public Health England and the World Health Organisation and are taking proactive measures to mitigate the effects of the virus on the company and our employees.

We are taking extensive steps to ensure:


• Employees follow a stringent hygiene and cleaning regime.
• Employees maintain a 2 metre distance with no physical contact.
• Employees with known medical conditions or considered vulnerable are shielded.
• Employees work from home where possible.
• Meetings are limited and safe distances are always maintained.
• Larger meetings now take place using our on-site video conferencing suite.
• Unless essential, visitors and contractors are not permitted on our site.
• Travel is being restricted or cancelled unless business-critical.

To service the requirements of our customers we are currently utilising all 3 of our sites in the West Midlands.


We simply cannot predict how hard the virus could impact the UK but with your support and the support of our highly regarded workforce, we will do our utmost to service your requirements during this difficult time.

For more information on AN UPDATE FROM W.H.TILDESLEY REGARDING COVID-19 talk to W.H.Tildesley Ltd

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