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Welding Equipment Repair & Maintenance
Weldlogic offers a full support program enabling customers to minimize any downtime due to breakdowns. A comprehensive spares inventory is held at Huntingdon with spares from the factory in California being available in 3-4 days. Spares are also carried for Thermal Dynamics and Secheron Plasma welding torches and Weldcraft TIG Torches. Support contracts are available giving guaranteed response times and preferential rates on associated work. Calibration of the equipment is carried out by trained engineers and Our test equipment is calibrated to national standards. Certification enables Our customers to comply with the requirements of ISO 9000 and other associated standards. Should you have specific requirements then a programme can be put in place to meet those requirements. As well as supporting Our own Weldlogic brand, we also support a wide range of equipment including Precision Systems, Precision Beam Technology - PBT, Miller, Dimetrics, Instrument Engineering, Arc Machines - AMI to name a few.

For more information on Welding Equipment Repair & Maintenance talk to WELDLOGIC EUROPE LTD

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