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About Us

Buccaneer have one simple aim - A happy customer Main dealers for these leading manufactures and many others - Please visit the shop to view and purchase - if the item you require is not listed please contact us - we have many more items in stock than we have displayed on this site and can source specialist items if required We are main service dealers for many of the major names in the maritime electronics field, and with our offices located in Aberdeen, the oil capital of Europe, we have access not only to “normal” marine electronics, but can call on many specialists from wildly varying fields to ensure that the solution always fits the customers needs. We provide a wide range of equipment, from the smallest chandlery part, through a full range of equipment and electronics for the leisure user and on up to commercial sub-sea survey and positioning sensors. We offer impartial advice where required our aim being to make sure the equipment or solution offered is the best and most appropriate within the budget. We supply a full range of survey and inspection products to maritime professionals and the Oil & Gas market Please contact us if you have a question or need clarification on anything. Our Leisure & Light Marine division offers market leading equipment for the inshore professional and recreational boat owner.
Buccaneer Ltd

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