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Employee Engagement Strategies – 3 Reasons Why You Need an Office Choir to

Having a cheerful workplace? Come on, it isn’t possible.

Unbeatable teamwork? Oh no, it is just part of imagination.

This is what comes to mind when we think about having an ideal workplace.

Developing a workplace where all the employees are always all smiles and cheerful while accomplishing their daily tasks is a dream of companies which seldom turns in reality.

Workload, hovering deadlines, and the dangling sword of monthly evaluation create tense office environment, faces with no glimpse of smile and conversations which are hard to swallow.

But what if employees are still cheerful and enthusiastic despite all the tasks, deadlines, and pressure? Hard to believe – right? It is difficult, but not impossible.
Changes in management style, effective employee motivation techniques, robust employee engagement strategies, and considerate attitude can bring miraculous changes in the workplace environment.

The employee will love to go extra miles for the success of the company.

They will love to continue their journey with the company.

Their peace of mind will bring betterment in work.

They will feel motivated to give their best every time.

The bond within the team will get strengthened.

If you need all this in your team and employees, then forget worn out employee engagement strategies which make your employees dull rather than active. Bring in new strategies: some mind triggering activities, some upbeat moves, and adrenaline songs. Yes, you read it right – songs!

You can deploy singing as the new employee engagement strategy, and you will see a noticeable reduction in stress level, uplift in employee mood, and cheerful body language.

If it is hard for you to believe, then here are given reasons from inspire me employee motivation which will trigger you to make an office choir right away:

Strengthen Teamwork:

Have you ever heard a choir where different members have different tones, with different notes? No – right?

Singing in a choir is all about coordination and harmonization, and it is only possible when everyone on the choir sings with one tone, become a unit.

And if you will form a choir in your office, then definitely all the members will work together to give the best performance. They will coordinate to bring harmony in their singing, which will indirectly also strengthen their teamwork in office tasks as well.

Strong Communication:

Obviously, you need to listen and talk to each other while preparing a song. You don’t head towards different corners of the room, learn your parts, come together, and sing.

This will be anything, but singing in a choir.

People seldom talk to each other during their nine duty hours. You hardly get time to exchange a word or a few with your other colleagues.

But a choir will pull your employees out of their dome to come together, communicate with each other and discuss things other than boring job-related things.

Relieve Stress:

Science has unearthed many positive aspects of singing, and stress relieving is one of them.

You feel relieved when you sing songs because your tension level comes down, your mind relaxes, and you feel positive vibes.

An office choir not only helps to bring down the stress level of participant members, but listeners also feel rush of positivity and relief.



Managing a healthy work environment which motivates employees to give their best while staying happy is hard, but not out of the question.

Add singing in your employee engagement strategies, and you will see wonderful results. Happy heart, relieved mind, and excellent results – just wao!
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