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How To Become An IT Director

Information Technology (IT) officers specialize in managing information and computer systems. Their job titles fall under IT security manager, chief technology officer, and chief information office. The responsibilities of an IT officer vary depending on the needs and size of the company. When building the board IT directors may oversee related departments, ensure coordination f network and data services, as well as handle departmental budgets. Companies also rely on IT directors to determine what information technology goals the company has. This includes the need to upgrade software and hardware and information security.  Are you looking to become an IT Director?
Key Career Requirements For An IT Director

For one to become an IT director, he/she must have at least a bachelor's degree in IT. Most employers however prefer one with a master's degree in the same. The candidate must have studied this in the field of computer science, information science, and related fields. Some of these programs are offered by CompTIA, Cisco, and Microsoft certifications. The employer might demand at least 5 years of experience in the IT department to qualify as an IT director.
You'll need organizations and analytical skills to qualify for this position. Other skills you should possess include keen attention to detail, be able to lead and motivate staff, understand operational and capital budgets, project management and planning, familiarity with information software and programs, practical knowledge of IT infrastructure and systems, as well as telecommunications and software development.  Proper understanding of MS Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, and Microsoft Server platforms would be an added advantage.
Steps To Making A Career As An IT Director

1.         Earn A Bachelor's Degree In IT

The minimum requirement for an IT director is a bachelor's degree in IT or computer science. Some employers may show preference to candidates with a graduate degree in the same. You can enroll in a technical school, college, or university to earn your degree.  IT management undergraduate courses include electronic business infrastructure, database management, software development management, server applications, and networking fundamentals.
2.         Get an IT-Related Job

You'll need several (at least 5) years of experience to make a career as an IT director. The only way to get such experience is by getting an IT-related job. This means going through entry-level positions in IT departments and doing several gigs to grow your skill set and talent. Some of the occupations you should target to gather experience include computer systems analyst, computer programmer, database administrator, network systems administrator, software developer, and security analyst.
3.         Get Professional Certifications

Certifications provide an excellent way to demonstrate your knowledge and skill level in various IT-related applications. That said, strive to get enough professional credentials as proof. Companies such as Apple, Cisco, and Microsoft offer certification programs that you too can take advantage of for software and systems application certifications.  You could also sign up with CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) for certification programs at basic, specialty, professional and mastery levels.
4.         Apply For The Position Of An IT Director

As mentioned earlier, most employers look to employ applicants with at least a graduate degree in IT. As long as you are passionate, motivated, and have problem-solving/analytical skills, you can then go ahead and apply a position as the IT director. Excellent communication skills are a must-have for you to qualify for this position. Should you get the job, you will be required to manage, motivate, develop IT budgets, as well as prioritize projects among other responsibilities.
5.         Continue Improving Your Knowledge And Skill

The IT industry is always evolving. That said, you shouldn’t just sit and relax after getting the dream job. It would be advisable to continue advancing your skill and knowledge by continuing education.  You could sign up for certificate programs in project management, IT management graduate certification programs, as well as chief information officer management programs.  This should give you an edge over other IT directors, and the ability to lead your teams well.
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