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How Display Technology Is Being Used More and More in Retail

In the retail sector, new ways of capturing customers' attention and informing them about offers and promotions are always something businesses are keen to invest in. With the advances in interactive display technology, retail businesses have incorporated plenty of innovative ways to appeal to shoppers, and make their buying decisions easier. Here, we take a look at three ways the retail sector is making the most of touch screens and other display technology. If you are a retail business who isn't yet taking advantage of the latest in display screen tech, then why not check out some of these approaches and then head over to Projector Point, who have a wide range of great screens available!

In Store Advertising

In the past it was always possible to erect TV screens running adverts on loop next to a new range of products, explaining their benefits in an 'As Seen on TV' infomercial kind of way. However, now screens can be used in a far more programmable way, and are less expensive, allowing screens displaying news, promotions, and other helpful stuff to be placed anywhere where customers may spend time – for instance above queuing areas. This not only gives customers something to look at when their attention is available, but can also let retailers instantly update screens with promotions or information, so things can be announced in real time. This can be great in something like a supermarket, where you could announce something like free samples being available in a given area or a 'flash sale' on newly marked down items.

Interactive Displays

For customers who may need some help choosing the product, interactive touch screen displays that help guide them to the right option can be used. A good example of this is in the health and beauty sector, where someone might have the chance to play with a touch screen module that lets them input their skin type and any problems and helps tell them the products that would be best suited to them. In home improvement and DIY stores, displays like this can be used to help people choose or even design things like fitted kitchens or bathrooms using their room's own dimensions.


In some types of stores where people have to collect items, such as in Argos or IKEA, interactive displays are used in place of those old butcher style ticket systems to let people know how much longer they need to wait, and when their items are ready for collection. As these screens update in real time and respond to the shop's own systems, they make managing this type of queuing very easy for the store, and offer the customer a better experience.
Add to this the kind of stuff that goes on behind the scenes in retail businesses, for example in staff training or in warehousing, and it is clear that displays have changed things a lot! As interactive and touch screen displays become increasingly more advanced and affordable, it will be interesting to see how else the retail sector begins to use them!

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