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How to Use Accessories to Reflect Your Personal Style When You Have to Dress for Safety at Work

There are lots of jobs where you have to dress for hygiene or safety, whether you work in a factory or construction environment, or a hospital or laboratory. This can make dressing for work far less fun than when you work in an office or another environment where you are free to choose your clothing based on what you like, and can wear whatever jewellery, shoes and other things you want to without them causing any problems. However, it is still possible to go some way toward reflecting your own style when you have to dress a certain way for health and safety at work, using accessories suitable for your environment.

Watches and Timepieces

For most workplaces, a wristwatch is a safe thing to wear, and if you choose one that is resilient and practical like a diving watch or other sports watch, it should be able to withstand anything. This gives you one piece you wear all the time that is useful, but can also be worn as a fashion statement, and while dainty, delicate watches may not be suitable, you can still pick a design that is cute, bold, interesting or fashionable, and use it as a way to imprint a little of your own style into what you wear at work. For nurses, a cool design on the classic nurse's fob watch like the ones you can find at can let you add a pop of colour or a bold print to your uniform without breaking from hygienic and traditional dress.

Pens and Pencils

For most jobs, having some pens, pencils and other stationery or work supplies on your person is fairly normal, so why not use these pieces to add a personal touch? Whether you want to look classy and chic with an expensive pen, or fun and quirky with a brightly coloured one, you can find some really nice writing implements in office supplies, stationery and art shops, and these can give you a simple way to inject some style, colour or personal expression into your work accessories. Some people get so into accessorising with stationery that they have as much fun picking it out as most kids do at the start of a new school year!

Tools and Instruments

If you use any specific tools or instruments at work, then look out for things that have a cool design you like, either for the tools and instruments themselves or for the cases you would carry them around in. even something you wouldn't think of as much of a fashion statement like a socket set, some chef's knives or a stethoscope can be used to add some personal flavour to your work look! Of course, there are also options when it comes to the tools we all carry, like mobile phones, to give them a personalised look with fashion cases and other accessories.

It can be hard to let your own style show when you have to dress in a functional, safe and hygiene conscious way for work, but by choosing nice accessories, you can still let your taste shine through somewhere!
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