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Solar power is the best sustainable energy solution for your home: Here’s why

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for people from all over the world as the effects of global warming and climate change continue to wreak havoc on the earth. The rise in incidence and intensity of extreme weather phenomena and natural disasters such as flooding and wildfires, climbing food costs, growing pollution, biodiversity loss and the rising costs of staple foods are all the result of the climate crisis. Humanity is currently dealing with issues that would have been almost unimaginable to imagine as little as one hundred years ago, like the presence of microplastics in water, food and even air.

As a result, people are looking for ways to make their lives eco-friendly, reduce their carbon footprints and minimise their impact on the world. While the effects humans have had on the planet up until now are irreversible (at least when considering the average lifespan of human beings), taking steps toward stopping the process takes the world closer to a future in which the planet can still be enjoyed by generations to come. One of the best ways to reduce your impact is to switch to a sustainable energy source. Over the years, solar power has increasingly gained popularity among homeowners.

brown and white concrete house

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

The benefits

There are several benefits to integrating solar power into your household. The first is that it is an entirely renewable source. It can be harnessed from all over the globe and is readily available every day. Yes, this includes rainy or cloudy days, although the general efficiency can drop slightly by about 10%. The fact that it is renewable also makes it the more sustainable alternative by far, and although the initial costs can be quite elevated, you will definitely save money in the long run.

According to recent studies, solar power is currently the most affordable form of electricity in history as of now. Research shows that using it can be up to 50% cheaper than initially thought. The use of solar energy is seen by many as the most obvious path toward reaching net zero emissions, although there’s no denying the fact that it will take some joint effort from the entire world, not just the power sector. The whole global economy, as well as individuals, must do their part.


Before installing solar panels in your household, you’ll most likely want to learn more about what they entail in terms of maintenance. After all, if frequent repairs or touch-ups are needed and you have to spend considerable sums each time, you might want to reconsider and try a different source of green energy that is more within your budget. Well, here’s the good news. Solar panels require very little maintenance, with their tilted positioning often being enough to even keep them clean as the rain washes away any debris.

However, that doesn’t mean your solar panels will never require maintenance. Make sure to ask for assistance from a team of electricians who know how to handle these devices. Wave Electrical Solutions offers both consultations and installation services, and you can then continue working with them if your panels require extra maintenance over time. As a general rule, maintenance should be carried out during the early hours of the day, visual inspections should scan for any damage, cracks, breaks or inadequate connections, and you should ensure that the panels are not exposed to very high temperatures repeatedly, over many years. This places undue thermal stress on the materials, leading them to deteriorate faster and become less efficient as the photovoltaic cells degrade.

Typically, the lifespan of a solar panel is anywhere between twenty-five to thirty years. However, some can last up to four decades if conditions are right and they are well-maintained. As such, you save money on maintenance and replacements since you won’t need to perform them very often.

The environment and the household

Solar power doesn’t generate carbon emissions or any other greenhouse gases. There’s no environmental damage that comes from harnessing its power, like in the case of oil or gas. It also uses very little water or even none at all, unlike standard power plants, saving another critical resource that is increasingly depleted as a result of climate change. But what are the advantages pertaining to your household? Since your energy bills will be much cheaper overall, the panels will basically pay for themselves after a couple of years.

Solar panels also increase the value of your home, with data indicating that property value increases by roughly 0.9 to 2% on average. Households situated in sunnier areas will naturally benefit more, so it will be easier to convince buyers to meet higher prices. Studies showed that, on average, solar panels added around 14% to a home’s final value, but that number can climb to 38% in parts of England such as the South West, South East, Humberside, Yorkshire and the East, places where solar radiation levels tend to be more intense.

Some homeowners who use solar panels may even choose to sell the excess power they produce so that instead of paying for this utility, they are the ones getting paid. Sometimes, you won’t even need an entire solar energy grid to achieve this, as solar lights might actually be enough to help you save quite a lot of money as they will decrease your bills significantly.

The bottom line

Solar energy is a highly beneficial and affordable alternative to the standard energy systems that make use of fossil fuels. It doesn’t pollute and while the initial costs of setting its infrastructure in place might be more elevated, the numbers even out in time, and solar ends up being the more profitable solution. The panels also work perfectly in any climate, as cold weather doesn’t affect productivity, and snow can even increase the amount of light reaching the panels, resulting in more energy production. Clouds can bring energy production levels down a little, but they by no means cause the panels to become non-functional.

An ever-growing number of people are considering adding these devices to their households due to their numerous benefits. If you’re one of them, you should know there’s no time like the present to start this project.

Solar power is the best sustainable energy solution for your home: Here’s whyPrev Post
Solar power is the best sustainable energy solution for your home: Here’s why
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