About Us
Efficiency, simplicity and innovation are always at the forefront of all our designs, and we are constantly thinking up new ways to do things.
Technology plays a large part in our design work. By using "Solid Works" computer software we can achieve working products on our computer screen before we have even thought about cutting any steel! Back in 1992 it was a very different process.
Back in 1992, all we had to work with was paper drawings and templates, which was very time consuming and inaccurate. Our first profile cutter used paper drawings and a magic eye, we never had two components the same! Manufacturing was difficult but we stuck with it and progressed to better equipment as we grew.
It all seems a long time ago now, and we are very proud to have come such a long way, since those early years.
The Quickshift was the first product we designed and manufactured and has proved to be very popular and is still going strong over 20 years later!