We vibrate in a variety of ways!
AViTEQ magnetic vibrators can be used very versatile. In vibration technology, they are the first choice as a drive when bulk material have to be dosed. An unmistakable dosing accuracy, an immediate start-and-stop of bulk solids and that without maintenance intervals, since completely free of lubricated bearings. The variance of the drives ranges from different oscillation frequencies (25, 33, 50, 100Hz) in 50Hz network operation (30, 40, 60, 120Hz in 60 Hz networks) to different voltage ranges. Based on this, we come up with a series for explosion-proof areas (ATEX) and special variants such as our magnetic vibrators optimized for tropical countries and places right by the sea. Combined with our control technology, we get your vibrating devices going to ideally convey and sieve bulk solids ...
For more information on We vibrate in a variety of ways! talk to AViTEQ UK Ltd