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Common Problems In Vibration Test Fixture Design

Solutions & Top Tips

The process of vibration testing is an indispensable product development checkpoint. The success of these tests hinge not only on the quality of the products but also on the design and execution of the fixtures or jigs used to secure the items under test.

Common Problems in Jig or Vibration Test Fixture Design:

  1. Fixture Design Mismatch
  2. Inadequate Attachment and Fastening
  3. Resonance and Amplification
  4. Test Item Overloading
  5. Inadequate Flexibility

Test fixtures have to be custom designed to meet the holding points on the payload and the fixing points on the vibration system and must not compromise the results of the tests.

CentraTEQ offers design and manufacture of test fixtures for new & existing customers and users of vibration tables from any manufacturer.



For more information on Common Problems In Vibration Test Fixture Design talk to CentraTEQ Ltd

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