About Us
Derbyshire based CODEL International Ltd design and manufacture a comprehensive range of cutting edge instrumentation, primarily CEMS (Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems) that have been specifically developed for industrial emissions and air pollution monitoring, road tunnel environments, plant and rail safety. The main aim of our experts is to design advanced, well-engineered equipment that provides reliable operation coupled with a low costs of ownership.
With more than 30 years worth of experience in the control and instrumentation sector, CODEL are constantly developing new and innovative products; this is coupled with continuous improvements of our existing ones. Our company can supply a vast range of analysers and sensors that meet industry’s rigorous environmental and safety requirements.
A wide range of products from instrumentation such as low cost dust monitors through to fully automated and integrated emissions monitoring systems. Besides this extensive product portfolio we are also highly regarded as innovators in the field of road and rail tunnel pollution and flow monitoring. With more than 500 road and rail tunnel installations our experts are recognised as a market leader within this paryicular sector.

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