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Tribo Dust Monitor & Wireless Connectivity UK Carbon Black Manufacturing Plant

This case study describes the successful installation of a new wireless environmental monitoring system.

CODEL International Ltd were approached in 2020 by a major UK Carbon Black manufacturer to provide a more cost-effective service solution for monitoring and reporting emissions to air from their dust collectors.

The customer decided to replace the original monitoring equipment installed with a more user-friendly and cost-effective system capable of providing performance trend analysis for environmental reporting.

The Background

CODEL offer lower on average compared to the reference method and the 40E NOx CEMS passed the test. Auditing company have not advised any actions on correcting the small discrepancy as it is within acceptable tolerance.

The Solution

CODEL offered a more suitable solution by means of upgrading the In-Situ GCEM40 to the GCEM40E, CODEL’s Hot Wet Extractive version in order to eliminate any vibration related issues.

The CODEL GCEM40E analyser was installed in August 2022 with a requirement to be in operation before the upcoming EPA test. In January 2023 we assisted plant operators to check the 40E analyser prior to the EPA source test.

During the test, CODEL 40E NOx was 5ppm lower on average compared to the reference method and the 40E NOx CEMS passed the test. Auditing company have not advised any actions on correcting the small discrepancy as it is within acceptable tolerance.

The Result

A new system was seamlessly installed to continue providing emissions levels and critical alarm alerts. The ability to continuously monitor collector performance and events has all but eliminated the need for emergency shutdowns while improving maintenance efficiency.
The decision to move companies was based on a reputation within the industry and a dramatic reduction in service costs.

Summary of Benefits

Wireless environmental monitoring of any plant size.
Faster environmental compliance reporting for management and a healthier plant environment.
Monitor multi-site operations and multiple ET301 dust monitor installs.
Early warning critical alarm indications.
Bag filter performance monitoring (with predictive bag leak).

EnergyTech 301​ Dust Monitor

The EnergyTech 301 is a low cost dust monitor using well-proven tribo electric technology providing accurate and rapid results. The EnergyTech 301 requires no critical alignment and has no optical surfaces to keep clean. The sensor is easy to install, requiring only a simple probe and is ideal for small duct sizes.

Features & Benefits

  • Direct sensing method, actual particulate concentration.
  • Automated online zero and span checking facility.
  • Integrated calibration function for mg/m3 output.
  • Easy installation with minimal maintenance required.
  • Adaptable, suitable for virtually all dust collectors.
  • Wide range of duct sizes from 250mm to 2m.

For more information on Tribo Dust Monitor & Wireless Connectivity UK Carbon Black Manufacturing Plant talk to Codel International Ltd

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