About Us
Crystal Clear Pond Services was formed after spending over 13 years in the water garden industry with a focus on professional fish keeping. This involved the design, creation and maintenance of ponds, water features and lakes of various sizes ranging from small garden features to lakes of several acres in size. In 2004 our Technical Director was awarded the certificate of Water Gardening Technical Excellence demonstrating an expert knowledge of all things related to ponds and outdoor fish keeping, including product knowledge and selection. Our main area of expertise is the maintenance of ponds and water features of all sizes. Many people do not understand or simply do not have the time for the regular maintenance and servicing that a pond requires. Please refer to "Our Services" for further information. The success of our business has been due to the excellent quality of service and workmanship commitment we offer our clients, together with a cost effective pricing structure. Professional. Experienced. Creative. All the attributes one looks for in water gardening services, will be found with Crystal Clear Pond Services. Pond cleaning and maintenance services are performed by technicians with many years experience. Scheduled at a time and day of your choosing - what could be more convenient?