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To find out how our customers are finding the Q-Smart Door Handle, we decided to interview Lisa Mackerness, aged 41 from Benfleet, to see how she feels about her new smart door handle and how it’s changed things for her.
The Q-Smart door handle could revolutionise the way we use our locks. With fingerprint, fob and mobile phone access it means we can wave goodbye to keys and have multiple ways to access and secure our homes.
Lisa is a mum of two boys, she’s also a business and dog owner who recently had the Q-Smart handle installed. She tells us why she cannot recommend it enough:
What is the Q-Smart Door Handle?
The Q-Smart Fingerprint Door Handle is a battery powered electronic door handle and lock. It’s keyless and you instead use your fingerprint, mobile app or fobs to unlock the door, it can store up to 50 fingerprints.
For more information about the smart door handle, check out this article.
If you’re thinking about getting one yourself, read on to see how Lisa got on with it.
What made you decide to get a smart door handle?
Lisa: “the main reason for getting the door handle is that I have a young son that started secondary school. I was coming home to him constantly sitting on the doorstep because he forgot to take his keys most days.”
“I have a dog that I walk often. There’s been so many times when I’ve lost my keys when I’ve thrown a ball!” She laughed.
“I have a cleaner that comes in too. There were numerous reasons.”
Lisa told us that as soon as the door handle was showcased to her ‘it was literally a perfect solution to all her problems’.
How is using the handle, have you had any issues?
“The experience has been fantastic for all of us” Lisa continued, saying her husband was a bit dubious at first. He was worried about it being a security issue and the batteries running out. But he “100%” changed his mind when he saw it in action.
One thing that convinced her husband was when he’d go out to wash the car or take the bins out and the door would slam shut behind him. Instead of banging at the door for ages to let him in and no one hearing him, he could easily get back in.
Lisa also explained about the (AA) batteries running low, saying “it gives you plenty of warning, it flashes up on your phone app (the door handle also warns you via a voice) and it’s so simple to put new batteries in. It’s brilliant for that.” It also comes with a micro-USB power pack to charge in emergencies.
Lisa says they’ve “not had any issues at all” and that it’s the simple things you don’t realise you needed it for until you get it. “You realise, you can get back in easily because you’ve always got your fingerprint and it’s amazing. You never pick up your door key but you always pick up your phone, so can always use your phone or fingerprint.”
Lisa described that when you make a purchase like this you weigh up the benefits to see if it’s really worth it, and then reiterated that it’s the little things that you don’t realise until you’ve got it that make you think “ ‘wow’ I never thought I’d needed it in this situation.”
Have you got any other smart technology in your house?
“I’d like to say yes, but I’ll say we’re in the middle, my brother is very tech savvy, so when he found out about the door handle he was straight on it”.
So you don’t miss keys then?
“No, not at all, so much so that it’s mad now. All we need now is the car to go keyless and we’re sorted. We won’t need key rings anymore.”
Do you think you’ll get more of these handles?
“Yes, that’s actually something we’re looking at because we have a storage box outside. We’re even thinking of getting a smart padlock for our son because they have lockers at school. But he was a bit worried about being the only student in school with one. I said he could start a new fashion trend but he doesn’t like being the first, so we’ll have to figure out a way to start the trend.”
So what does your son say about it?
“Oh, he loves it, absolutely loves it. At first he thought ‘this is really posh’. He told all his friends and they didn’t believe him so they came round to see it. The first two weeks was a bit of a kids showing off scenario. And not only that, but we can use the app to track him when he enters and leaves the house. We can see every time someone has gone in the house and it also tells you who via fingerprint profiles.”
How was the installation?
“Quicker than I thought it would be!”
So you didn’t need to get a new door or anything then?
“No exactly, it was even simpler than I was expecting.”
“It’s even nice when you go to check the door is locked before you go to bed, usually you’d need to get your keys out but you can just lift the handle up and a voice tells you the door’s locked and it’s just peace of mind, it also gives you a warning if you don’t lock it.”
What have other people thought about it?
“My brother wants one and a few mums at school have been asking about it. I literally couldn’t recommend it enough; it has been a game changer for all of us. Even my mum, for someone who hates technology and isn’t even on social media, loves the fingerprint and you can program more than one fingerprint for the same person, great if you have a plaster on one finger.”
How would you sum it up?
“Definitely a game changer for us as a family and peace of mind for me as a mother. If I’m running late, I now know my son can get indoors. I’m just waiting for the day when they’re all grown up and going out! We won’t have to worry about them forgetting or losing their keys.”
Choosing the Smart Door Handle
As you can see, the feedback we’ve received has been great and if you’re thinking about getting one, here’s one last quote from Lisa:
“The only thing I’d say to anyone that’s thinking about one: I literally couldn’t recommend it enough. I think people might be held back by the price tag but once people work out the benefits of it, it overweighs the price. I think people need to experience it.”
Purchase the Q-Smart Door Handle here.
For more information on Hear What People Think About The Q-Smart Door Handle talk to DG Supplyline Ltd
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