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Programmable Oscillators

Programmable or configured oscillators tend to get a bad press, certainly the early devices offered a poor phase-noise characteristics which were undesirable.

However the latest models such as the Euroquartz EHTF series have an RMS Jitter performance of 0.9pS to 1.5pS and a phase noise floor of 149DBc/Hz.


Whilst in production quantities the cost is slightly higher, for non-standard or out of stock frequencies they offer a good solution.


Engineers working on a new design needs to try product quickly to obtain benchmark test data and possibly try different frequencies in the circuit.

This is where the programmable, fast turn range from Euroquartz becomes a valuable engineering resource.

All the programmable oscillators come in industry package sizes making it easy to drop in factory-made product onto the PCB.


Check out the Quick Turn-round oscillators on the Euroquartz website.

For more information on Programmable Oscillators talk to Euroquartz Ltd

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