About Us
Here at Indenco we are passionate about engineering. As a major supplier to many of the UK's Aluminium System Houses and the glazing and construction industries, we believe we deliver the very best service and the finest quality components while offering highly competitive prices.
With 30 years' experience we're proud that many of our staff have stayed with Indenco for over 15 years: they know the business inside out. Couple that with the latest engineering technology and you've got unbeatable expertise at your service.
Pressed Metal Parts Indenco's versatile set-up means we can make pressed metal parts, aluminium profiles and prototypes for many industries: automotive, white goods manufacture, electrical goods, office furniture, specifiers and architects, in fact anyone who needs top quality components or precision tool makers.
Pressed metal parts Aluminium profiles Precision tool makers Hand presswork Glazing hardware Special finishes Component assembly In-house tool room 26 Power presses Drilling, milling & tapping machines High volume production Low volume pre-production & prototypes Bespoke projects ISO 9000 accredited