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Semiautomatic Resist Coat and Developers
The RCD8 coat and develop platform can be custom tailored anywhere from e.g. a basic manual spin coater to a GYRSET® enhanced coater and puddle developer tool. It can handle small pieces as well as standard wafers up to 200 mm and serves therefore ideally for daily R&D work up to small scale production.
With its large variety of available chucks and configurations, literally all kind of substrate materials and shapes can be coated and developed on the RCD8. The platform can be equipped with various well proven dispense line and pump configurations for handling resists with viscosities from <1 cps up to 55 000 cps.
For applications with high topographies, the SUSS MicroTec AS8/AS12 is the ideal tool. Substrates up to 200 mm or 300 mm in diameter and square substrates up to 6" edge length can be processed. The system can be equipped with up to two separate spray dispense systems. The sophisticated resist supply system offers unmatched process stability and reproducibility. All spray and cleaning parameters can be programmed in the recipe.
For more information on Semiautomatic Resist Coat and Developers talk to Inseto (UK) Ltd
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