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Why Artificial?

Why Artificial?
Why should i choose artificial plants? Artificial Plants have so many advantages such as; no watering, no deadheading, no insects or bugs, all year lifelike flowering, colour and fruit, no pollen for allergy sufferers. Our products are made using the latest advances in manufacturing making it hard to tell real from artificial (gone are the days of bright green plastic looking leaves and fabric looking flowers, evergreen, no sap or poisonous berry hazards for children/pets, no restrictions on positioning - dark corners or near electrical equipment need no longer be a problem (no watering means no risk to electrical equipment). Buy ready grown at a fixed size - no waiting to grow or worry of overgrowing. Extremely low maintenance (we recommend an occasional dust). Artificial Plants create an instant feature. They are virtually hassle free. Why artificial? Why not...! You'll be amazed.

For more information on Why Artificial? talk to Just Artificial Limited

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