About Us
Why should you use Lindapter? For over 90 years we have provided cost effective innovative solutions, using our vast experience, strong technical and engineering skills and the latest methods.
Customer benefits include: - No Welding - No Site Drilling - Independently Approved Safe Working Loads - No damage to protective coatings - Safe in hazardous environments - Adjustable on-site - The very best in technical support... Lindapter offers a comprehensive Technical Support package to support everyday product applications, to non-standard product applications, to bespoke product design.
Alternatively, our regional sales engineers (or our territory distributors) are available to visit you to discuss your application in further detail. Services available from Lindapter include: - Telephone Technical Support - CAD Assembly Drawings - Connection Assembly Design - Office or Site Visits - Bespoke Product Design and Manufacture CPD Group Presentations and Online Live CPD Webinars - To request further information or to book a presentation please contact us for further details enquiries@lindapter.com Quality and Approvals Lindapter has been accredited to BS EN ISO 9001 since 1986 and it prides itself on a wide range of independent product approvals including CE mark, ICC-ES full seismic approval, TUV Nord, DiBt and many more.
Visit www.lindapter.com/About/Approvals to find out more. New Products It is our ongoing policy to continually launch new, innovative and cost reducing alternatives to traditional connection methods. As such, there are always products and ideas available from Lindapter which may not be shown on this website. Please visit www.lindapter.com for further information. Special Finishes Alternative surface finishes are available upon request for use in aggressive or other unusual environments (subject to quantity). Lindapter is committed to Customer Service We are always delighted to hear your comments, good or bad, on the service which we offer. Please address your communications for the attention of the Marketing Manager.