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The great toilet debate continues: Paper Towels Vs Hand Dryers
There are ongoing arguments which continue to confuse and embroil the masses, but it’s important that you are operating the right hand drying method for your business and for your customers. Here at Pattersons Cleaning Supplies we provide information that can help you when making those essential choices.
According to many researchers, it can now be considered official news that paper towels are the most hygienic method in towelling off our hands after a trip to the bathroom. This was brought to attention by a team of microbiologists at the University of Westminster who rigorously studied the old age debate of Paper Towels vs Hand Dryers. It was found that hand dryers caused the greatest spread of microbes and increased bacteria by a whopping 255%, whilst the humble paper towel was found to actually reduce bacterial counts by an average of 58%.
Ensuring our hands are clean is one of the most important steps we can take in preventing illness and bacteria from spreading. The way we dry our hands can in fact be just as important as how we clean them and according to researchers, from a hygienic standpoint, paper towels are far superior to electronic hand dryers.
Although these figures are of great importance and can factor into our decision making when choosing either a paper towel or hand dryer, hygiene is not the only facet that should determine our stand point on the great debate.
There is much discussion on the environmental impacts of hand drying and we all know that to make paper we have to cut down trees. One ton of paper is the equivalent of 17 trees (and some avid hand dryer enthusiasts even argue it’s as many as 24.) All of this paper leads to a huge amount of waste and these convenient little throwaways are crowding landfills at an alarming rate.
For more information on Paper Towels Vs Hand Dryers: What’s Better For Business? talk to Pattersons Cleaning And Catering Supplies
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