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How to choose bathroom and shower wet wall panels

Choosing bathroom wall panels involves considering factors such as material, design, durability, maintenance, and budget. Here's a comprehensive buyer's guide to help you make an informed decision:


  • PVC Panels: These are cost-effective and water-resistant, making them suitable for bathrooms. They come in various designs and are easy to install.
  • Acrylic Panels: These panels offer a more high-end look and are resistant to scratches and fading. They can be pricier but provide a sleek appearance.
  • Fiberglass Panels: These are durable and water-resistant but might not offer as many design options as other materials.
  • Laminate Panels: These mimic the appearance of natural materials like wood or stone. They're relatively affordable but may require more maintenance.


Water Resistance:

  • Since bathrooms are prone to moisture, choose panels that are explicitly designed to be water-resistant or waterproof. Look for panels with a high moisture resistance rating.

Design and Aesthetics:

  • Bathroom wall panels come in a variety of colors, patterns, and finishes. Consider the overall theme of your bathroom and choose panels that complement the existing decor.


  • Some panels are easier to install than others. Consider whether you'll be installing them yourself or hiring a professional. Interlocking or tongue-and-groove panels can be simpler for DIY installation.


  • The durability of the panels is important, especially in a high-moisture environment. Opt for panels that won't warp, crack, or degrade quickly.


  • Panels that are easy to clean and require minimal maintenance can save you time and effort in the long run. Smooth, non-porous surfaces are generally easier to clean.


  • Set a budget and explore options within that range. Keep in mind that while some materials might have a higher upfront cost, they could save you money in the long term due to their longevity and low maintenance.

Installation Method:

  • Consider how the panels will be installed. Some panels require adhesive, while others can be screwed or nailed to the wall. Ensure that the installation method suits your skill level and tools available.

Size and Coverage:

  • Measure the dimensions of your bathroom walls accurately. Choose panels that will cover the required area without excessive cutting or wastage.


  • Check the manufacturer's warranty for the panels. A longer warranty period often indicates the manufacturer's confidence in the product's quality.

Reviews and Recommendations:

  • Research customer reviews and seek recommendations from friends, family, or online communities to get real-world insights into the performance and durability of different panel options.

Environmental Impact:

  • If sustainability is a concern, look for panels made from eco-friendly materials or those with certifications for responsible manufacturing practices.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose bathroom wall panels that align with your preferences, needs, and budget, resulting in a beautiful and functional bathroom space.

For more information on How to choose bathroom and shower wet wall panels talk to Perform Panel supplied by BPO Ltd

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