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What is the thickness of WetWall Perform Panel

Perform Panel Wetwall solid plywood shower panels are typically manufactured in thicknesses that are well-suited for use in shower and wet area applications, with the most common thickness being 11mm. This particular thickness offers a balance of strength, durability, and ease of installation, making it an ideal choice for such environments.


While 11mm is the standard thickness, variations may exist among manufacturers or product lines, with some offering options for panels with additional reinforcement or different thicknesses to accommodate specific design and performance considerations. However, regardless of the thickness chosen, it's crucial to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations and guidelines for installation and usage to ensure optimal performance, waterproofing, and longevity.


There are several reasons why the 11mm thickness is commonly preferred for plywood shower panels:

  1. Strength and Durability: A thickness of 11mm provides sufficient structural integrity to withstand the rigors of a wet environment, including supporting fixtures, enduring daily use, and resisting warping or bending over time.

  2. Moisture Resistance: Plywood inherently possesses some level of moisture resistance, and the 11mm thickness further enhances this property, ensuring the panel maintains its integrity even when exposed to moisture regularly.

  3. Ease of Handling: While still robust enough for wet areas, an 11mm thickness remains relatively lightweight and easy to handle during installation compared to thicker panels, which may be heavier and more cumbersome.

  4. Installation: Panels at this thickness are designed for straightforward installation, requiring less complex methods compared to thicker alternatives.

  5. Aesthetics: The 11mm thickness strikes a balance between functionality and aesthetics, allowing for a sleek and modern appearance while meeting the performance requirements of wet environments.

While 11mm is the standard thickness, variations may exist, and it's essential to select the thickness that best suits the specific requirements of your project. Additionally, always ensure compliance with local building codes and regulations governing shower wall materials to guarantee a safe and effective installation.


For more information on What is the thickness of WetWall Perform Panel talk to Perform Panel supplied by BPO Ltd

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