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About Us

THE COMPANY – Who We Are… Permali Deho Ltd is a subsidiary of the German based Deutsche Holzveredelung Schmeing GmbH & Co., KG, and is based in Gloucester in the UK. The group is a family owned business and one of the world’s largest producers of Compressed Laminated Wood. With over 70 years of manufacturing experience we offer a comprehensive range of products form standard boards to fully machined components and assembled structures. What We Do… We manufacture the complete range of Compressed Laminated Wood, also known as Densified Wood, to the latest international standards at our plants in Germany and the Czech Republic. We stock a range of boards in various grades for ‘off the shelf sale’ but also supply cut billets, fully machined parts and assembled structures. We supply to a wide range of markets including Electrical, Nuclear, Cryogenic and Motorsport, and have a range of CNC’s and Large Presses enabling us to offer product to meet all demands. The materials are sold under the trade names of Permali, Permawood, Hydulignum, Jabroc and Permatred and our company has accreditation to the latest ISO 9001 standard. .

Permali Deho Ltd

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