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How To Take Care of Your Roof Ladders

How To Take Care of Your Roof Ladders
Roof ladders are useful for any type of work that may be carried out on a roof. Also referred to as cat ladders, they differ from standard ladders as they have a hook that attaches over the top of a roof, which secures the ladder in place. While it may seem like a chore to take care of them properly, with these quick and easy tips you can efficiently take care of your ladders for all-year round use.
Taking good care of your roof ladders is vital to ensure that they are safe, dependable and won't contribute to any accidents. According to Commodious, one in five fatalities in the construction industry are the result of roofing accidents.
Many of these roofing accidents occur due to incorrect use of ladders or having ladders that are not properly maintained. However, with the right level of maintenance and provided training, the risk of accidents on ladders can be massively reduced.
So, bearing these pertinent statistics in mind, here's what you need to think about to properly take care of your roof ladders.
It's not just how you use your roof ladders that matters, but how you look after them when they're not being used is equally as important.
When it comes to storing roof ladders, it's crucial that they aren't kept anywhere that may be damp, particularly if the ladders are constructed from wood, as this may encourage them to rot.
As well as keeping them away from damp areas, roof ladders shouldn't be stored in any areas that may get very hot. In particular, fibreglass ladders shouldn't be exposed to temperatures above 93°C.
Make sure the area where the roof ladders are stored receives sufficient ventilation, so if they're kept in a garage, for instance, open the window, if there is one, from time to time to let air in.
Ladders should be stored horizontally as opposed to vertically, and to avoid sagging, provide support for the ladders at two-metre intervals.
Transporting your roof ladders safely is crucial so that they don't get damaged during transit and that they remain secure. After all, a ladder falling off your vehicle roof isn't a scenario you or your fellow road users will want to encounter! You can easily attach your roof ladders to your vehicle with a suitable roof rack and clamps, so the ladders are unable to move around and won’t suffer from any damage. For a more in depth guide, see our guide to transporting your ladder safely with specialist tips and advice.
Having clamps in place also prevents your ladders from getting pinched, which could prove costly and inconvenient. It is important to not be tempted to fix ladders in place on a vehicle using ropes or a cord; these aren't secure enough. As well as this, ladders that overhang a vehicle should also be made visible to other road users, which can be done by attaching a visible marker or coloured flag to them.
Roof ladder maintenance is imperative and must be carried out regularly so that any problems can be promptly identified and fixed before you need to use them again. That said, you should always check the ladders prior to using them, as damage may have occurred during the interim.
Ensure that you give your ladders a thorough inspection, by particularly paying attention to any areas that look worn, appear damaged, loose, bent, or rotten, etc. as well as this, you should also make sure the locking mechanisms, safety clips and brackets function properly before hauling the ladder up a roof.
If you happen to spot any issues with your ladders, then it is vital that you take them out of action immediately and get them repaired or replaced, depending on the extent of the damage. Should you need to get parts replaced, contact the manufacturer for guidance and advice.
Many problems can be prevented from occurring by ensuring that your roof ladders are regularly cleaned and looked after. You can easily do this by removing any accumulated debris and paying particular attention to the insides of the ladder rungs which can stop parts of the ladder from suffering wear and tear, resulting in damage.
How you clean your roof ladders often depends on what material they're constructed from. For instance, a steel wool pad and soapy water can be used to clean aluminium ladders, while wood and fibreglass ladders are more suitable for cleaning with a rag or sponge and soapy water. Once your ladders are dry and in a good condition, apply a suitable wax to the side rails, contact areas and locking mechanisms, to lubricate and protect them.
It is important to ensure that you only use your roof ladders for their intended purpose, as well as making sure that their size and type is appropriate for the style of roof that you're working on. For example, you should be able to access the roof safely with the ladders in tow, making sure they don't get knocked when climbing onto the roof. This is because the incorrect use of ladders not only risks damaging them and the roof, but it could also be a healthy and safety hazard, putting your life in danger.
If you need to know more about how to store roof ladders or more about roof ladder maintenance, we have all the information you need on our website. Here at Ramsay Ladders, we have all of your roof ladder needs covered, with different styles and sizes fit for any roof job you have in mind. Whether you’re looking for single and double roof ladders, extensions or brackets, we have an extensive collection of high-quality and durable products for you to purchase. As well as roof ladders, we also have a selection of other ladders and also ladder accessories and equipment perfect for many types of jobs.
For more information on How To Take Care of Your Roof Ladders talk to Ramsay Ladders
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