About Us
Established in 1974, Scanwel is a leading manufacturer and distributor of components and systems to end users and o.e.m.s in academia, government laboratories and industry.
Our products find application in the production and development of advanced materials and processes in a number of high technology fields, including nanotechnology, microelectronics, storage media, energy production and bio-medical and basic materials research of metals, oxides, polymers and coatings.
Scanwel is your local distributor in the UK and Ireland for the following leading companies: Dycor & Ametek, Anasys, Atlas Technologies, Createc, Hemi Heating, Imina, Iontof Kimball Physics, Nanomechanics, SPECS, Nanonis, NT MDT, Specs, SST, and VAB.
We also specialise in producing custom fabrication and chambers, for clean and UHV applications.
Our custom systems are exactly that, conceived and designed with your full involvement using our experience and the latest CAD packages. The end result is a product that meets your requirements.
We have a wealth of experience in many vacuum and process applications, delivering on time and on budget systems with a host of features such as manual, computer and remote control of the complete system, recipe driven pump down and back fill routines, monitored clean fast pumping groups and gauging, moveable and focusable differentially pumped 125keV electron guns, Integrated leak detection, detachable 1m large chambers on a railway carriage, 500mm diameter viewing ports, 6 gas inlet system with mixing chamber and high flows, MFCs
Moveable (500mm) Langmuir and invacuo screen probes, large area & high current Faraday cup, bakeable RGA with hot and cold sniffer & high conductance modes, and so much more. Entirely and completely bespoke systems are manufactured at our facility, to client specification.
Furthermore, Scanwel manufacture over 5000 products. We carry an extensive stock (probably the widest range in the UK) of our own manufactured hardware, including: Viewports, Foreline Traps and Cold Traps, Standard Vacuum Components, Heating Tapes, Jackets and Tents, Chambers, Fabrication and Baseplates, Conflat, Klein and ISO Flanges and Fittings, Angle Valves, Leak Valves and Gate Valves, Motion, Electrical, as well as Liquid and Optical Feedthroughs.