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About Us

the sign of creativity in today's world Welcome to We have over 35 years' experience in the design and manufacture of interpretive panels, park entrance signs and custom outdoor wooden signs. Significant ongoing investment in state-of-the-art printers and routers enables us to provide a modern solution to the challenges of durable, external signs. We work in a wide variety of materials, designs and fixing structures and are skilled at managing projects of all sizes. This site provides both an introduction to our products and services and a wealth of technical detail on artwork and fixings. Following the links at the top of the page leads to School Signs. Our extensive range of signs suitable for school and educational use Artwork. An introductory page with three detailed links outlining buttonArtwork Supplied on Disc. Our full specification if you are supplying your own artwork ButtonFull Shelley Design. Examples of Shelley projects including research, copywriting & cartography. ButtonPart Shelley Design. Examples of our involvement when you have partially complete artwork. Materials. An introduction to the main material options for outdoor signs and custom wooden signs. Interpretive. Examples of recently completed Interpretive panels and signs. Park & Orientation. Examples from the wide range of Park and other Entrance Signs recently produced. Timber. A page introducing custom outdoor wooden signs, with links to ButtonTactile and sandblasted timber signs ButtonRouted timber signs ButtonFinger posts and bollards ButtonA range of benches and picnic tables Fixings. Examples of other fixing structures and custom outdoor wooden signs ButtonLectern frame structures ButtonVertically mounted signs ButtonExamples of other fixing structures Gauge Boards. Details of our standard design Gauge Boards for both inland and tidal locations. Contact Us. All our contact details are provided, including those of our agents in London and Scotland Enquiry Form. An option to provide electronically all the details we require to supply a quote. We are always, however, happy to discuss projects with clients direct. We appreciate that each project however large or small is unique, and may benefit from our specialist experience and expertise. Please feel free to phone Robert Shelley on 0845 3705575 or email to discuss your requirements in detail.
Shelley Signs Ltd

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