About Us
Silk Stitch have been designing, manufacturing, embroidering and printing for 30 years. Our prices are razor sharp. We have been supplying goods including EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE TABLECLOTHS to BLUE CHIP companies such as:- AVEDA (Estee Lauder) WELLA, Hewlett Packard, Price Waterhouse Cooper (PWC) T & R Theakston. Frog Pubs. Universities of READING -YORK- LOUGHBOROUGH- EAST LONDON - SOUTHAMPTON to name but a few. Then NHS Trusts around the country. We manufacture colour matched Trade Show Tablecloths printed with PMS colours within days. These can be any size although a 6ft Trestle Table is the most popular size at either 220 cm x 152 cm which is Open Back Style for Feet and storage at the back or 320 x 225 cm for Closed Back. We can produce you a skirted Table cloth that wraps around the perimeter of the table with NO JOINS OR CORNERS. See our Black Cloth for the World renowned Chef's Knife Manufacturer Flint & Flame