About Us
Solar PV Systems are the home of quality photovoltaic systems. Our products have been designed to reduce the price of your electricity bills through harnessing the natural power of the sun. Our range of products are able to be used in a multitude of different ways for businesses, homes, gardens, sheds, garages, motor homes, boats, trailers, mooring as well as marinas, golf clubs, schools, farms, allotments, hot tubs and swimming pools, equestrian, car parks and walkways etc. The photovoltaic process is easy.
Photovoltaic panels are able to capture the sun’s rays and then transform the light into energy. This energy is able to then be stored as a solar battery OR be used in order to provide instant electricity for your home through the public grid connected solar system.
The Solar PV System Store shop stocks a wide range of renewable component parts including a complete range of K2 solar fixing parts and kits. Panels from 50w right through to 300w and complete battery storage suitable for grid connected as well as off-grid battery storage systems.
We also supply some of the most popular service parts suitable for solar heating circuits.
Take a look at our latest range of solar powered solar street lighting systems, including DIY kits in addition to full operational road side solar powered lamp posts. Available in 3w sign lighting, 12w path as well as park lighting. High luminescence solar street lights are suitable for full areas including car parks as well as back roads where power is not available.

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