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Creating an Outdoor Playground Using The EYFS Framework

During the early years foundation stage (EYFS), outdoor play is particularly important in helping children develop physically, socially, and educationally. 

Knowing what the EYFS Framework is and understanding how it relates to outdoor play can therefore inform the decisions you make during the playground planning process. 

Read on to find out more about the EYFS Framework, the benefits of outdoor play, and how the framework can guide you when deciding on the equipment you want to include in your playground. 

What is the EYFS Framework?

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework is a statutory framework which aims to ensure children:

  • Learn and develop well
  • Are kept safe and healthy 
  • Have the skills and knowledge they need to start school

Childminders and school-based providers have slightly different frameworks that they need to follow. It is their responsibility to ensure they follow the standards outlined in their relevant framework. 

The EYFS Framework should be used to define how and what children learn and follows four guiding principles:

  1. Every child is unique
  2. Children learn through positive relationships
  3. Children learn well within enabling environments with guidance and support from adults
  4. Learning and development is very important, and each child learns at a different rate

What Does The EYFS Framework Say About Outdoor Play?

The EYFS Framework suggests that physical activity is vital in a child’s development. Providing regular, varied play opportunities both indoors and outdoors can help develop a child’s strength, stability, spatial awareness, coordination, and agility. 

It is therefore recommended that children are encouraged to explore a range of play opportunities, including physical activities, puzzles, arts and crafts, and imaginative play alongside receiving feedback and support from adults. 

Benefits of Outdoor Play in EYFS

Outdoor play can benefit EYFS children in many ways:

  • It can encourage children to connect with nature and learn more about the environment
  • It can improve motor skills, coordination, strength and endurance
  • It can build confidence and social skills with peers
  • It can provide rich, sensory experiences 

Learn more about the benefits of encouraging outdoor play for EYFS children.

How To Align Your Outdoor Playground With The EYFS Framework 

It can be difficult to know where to start when planning and budgeting for your playground. Helpfully, the EYFS Framework outlines 7 areas of learning that should be considered when creating an effective space for outdoor play:

[H3] Communication and language

The EYFS framework suggests that it is important for children to develop their vocabulary and build their confidence in using a range of words. This can be done in many ways, such as: 

  • Reading to children frequently
  • Engaging children in stories and conversations
  • Role playing with children

When planning an EYFS play area, you might want to consider investing in outdoor learning spaces and playground stages to create an environment where storytelling and imaginative roleplay is encouraged. 

Personal, social and emotional development

Adult modelling and guidance is important for EYFS children when developing personal, social, and emotional regulatory skills. Having supportive relationships with adults can help them learn how to cooperate with their peers, resolve conflicts efficiently, and develop overall positive friendships. 

Creating a space that encourages children to work together and build friendships can be helpful in supporting their social development. For example, outdoor role playing equipment provides an imaginative outlet for children and inspires social play. 

Physical development

The EYFS Framework highlights the importance of physical development in encouraging children to live healthy, active lifestyles. 

Adding wall game activity panels to your playground can help build hand-eye coordination skills, whilst EYFS physical development equipment helps children improve their core strength, balance, coordination, and motor skills.  


A child’s literacy level is developed through conversations with adults, having adults read to them, and engaging in rhyme and song. Literacy includes the ability to comprehend language, read printed words, and write words down. 

Building an outdoor reading area with fun and engaging story-telling chairs can encourage children to listen to, participate in, and tell stories. Ultimately, this can improve their literacy level, communication skills, and set them up with a love of reading. 


Developing counting and measuring skills, as well as an awareness of shape and space, can help prepare EYFS children for starting school.

Having an outdoor play area that helps build a positive relationship between children and mathematics can be important in giving them a solid numerical grounding. Children should be encouraged to try and make mistakes during the learning process.

Educational activity panels and playground markings can be added to a playground to help aid mathematical understanding and make learning fun and engaging. 

Understanding the world

Having a playground that encourages children to engage with a range of environments, activities, and stories is important in helping them build a diverse knowledge of the world around them, including about other cultures and lived experiences.

Your playground should include a variety of activities and equipment for children to explore. You might also consider investing in inclusive playground equipment to ensure all children can reap the benefits of outdoor play and socialising with their peers.  

Expressive arts and design

Giving children the opportunity to engage with the arts is also important in their development. This can help encourage their artistic expression and hone in on their creativity. 

Creative play equipment such as chalkboards, sand pits, and building blocks are just some examples of the things you could include in your playground to encourage creative development in EYFS children. 

Contact Sovereign Play To Create Your Playground 

Looking to develop the perfect outdoor playground for EYFS children?

At Sovereign Play, we have over 30 years of experience in creating and installing bespoke EYFS outdoor play equipment for nurseries and primary schools that allow children to benefit from outdoor play and learning.

We can help throughout the entire process of developing your playground, including: 

Get in touch online today or call 01702 804200 to discuss how we can help make your EYFS playground dreams a reality!

For more information on Creating an Outdoor Playground Using The EYFS Framework talk to Sovereign Design Play Systems Ltd

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