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Five Interesting CNC Myths You Need to Know

Short for ‘computer numerical control,’ CNC machining is a manufacturing process where pre-programmed computer software dictates the movement of factory tools and machinery.
The process can be used to control a range of complex machinery, from grinders and lathes to mills and routers. With CNC machining, three-dimensional cutting tasks can be accomplished in a single set of prompts. Below we list five interesting CNC myths that you need to know.
Myth 1: Anybody can run a CNC machine
A CNC operators’ job can be a complex one and despite several applications which have been engineers to assist those operators with minimal training. The reality is that a CNC operator needs to have the skill and knowledge to run these machines to produce a high-quality product. The job itself can be demanding so the more they need to know the more training must be provided.
Myth 2: A job run before won’t encounter problems when run again
Just because a job has run smoothly the first time doesn’t mean it won’t be without its problems next time around. Each job needs to be planned individually. Variations must be considered and eliminated between how the job was run in the past and how it will be run in the future.
Myth 3: You can predict when a production run will end
There are many factors that will determine when a production run will be completed such as how long will the cutting tool last, how long will it take to replace dull tools and can the operator keep up with the machine. You should treat each job separately as it may encounter a different set of variables during a particular stage of the process.
Myth 4: G-code programming is outdated
There is a belief that all CNC programming is done using the company’s CAM system. While most CNC companies using CAM systems should remember that the output from any CAM system is G code—the same kind of G code that manual programmers write out long-hand. Of course, it is the G-code program that the CNC machine runs.
Myth 5: CAM system programmers don’t need a machine shop background
CNC machining can be a complicated process and operators normally come from two different backgrounds - computer experience or shop experience. While CAM systems help to simplify the task of developing programs there is still a need for some shop experience which avoids programmers taking what they’re given while those with shop experience get the most out of the CAM system.
If you have any questions about how CNC machining can help you and your business, then get in touch with the team at Standish Engineering here.
For more information on Five Interesting CNC Myths You Need to Know talk to Standish Engineering Co Ltd
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