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Why Choose Stick On Name Labels?

For many, the term "name labels" makes them think of the sew-in name tapes that they had in their school uniform as a child. While sew-in tapes remain a brilliant way to label clothing, they have been joined by more modern solutions, including iron-on name tags, name clips, name stamps, and stick on name labels.


With such a range of options, you might be wondering why you should choose stick on labels - the latest addition to the labelling market. You might have doubts about whether sticky name labels will even stick onto items properly - let alone stay put when you put them in the washing machine.


All name labels have their own benefits and drawbacks - but stick on name labels offer a modern solution that is quicker, simpler, and more versatile than traditional products.


Sew-in name tapes are extremely durable (provided you're a good sewer), can easily be removed, and can survive the washing machine with no problems. Unfortunately, they take time and patience to apply - and they're only suitable for fabric items, which makes them useless for non-school uniform kit that children are required to have for school. This includes shoes and bags, lunch boxes and water bottles, books and stationery, digital devices, P.E. equipments, and other personal belongings.


Likewise, iron-on tags can be very durable - given that they effectively melt into each item you label. However, they also require time and care (and a hot iron) to apply and can only be used on fabric items. They are sometimes thicker products that may catch and pull away over time.


Clip on tags are very durable but require punching a hole into items, which may not be desirable if you want to hand on or donate items. They only work on clothing, are bulkier than other products, and can be tricky to apply.


Stamps are a really quick and simple way to label clothing. However, you are reliant on the strength of the ink in the stamp, which may fade over time, and they don't work as well on darker items of clothing (like black trousers). Laundry pens offer similar benefits and limitations.


This all leaves stick on name labels. While early products may have struggled to stay put, modern adhesives are capable of producing extremely strong adhesive bonds, which will hold your labels firmly in place for the whole school year (and beyond!). They are quick and easy to apply and can be removed at later date (although you may need to use some sticky stuff remover on any adhesive residue they leave behind).


The only downside of stick on name labels is that not all adhesives are equal. Some will not withstand being put through a washing machine, which means that some stick on name labels are only suitable for non-fabric items (this does make them a great companion purchase for the products listed above).


This is where Stikins come in! Our stick on name labels are made with a unique adhesive that will withstand washing machines, tumble-dryers, dishwashers, and microwaves. With our multipurpose name labels, you can use the same product to label your children's school uniform and all their school kit. Our bright white labels are personalised with a bold black font that is easy to read for kids of all ages. Stikins are soft against skin so they won't cause irritation when labelled items are worn. At 30mm x 15mm, they're a neat but discrete addition to items of all shapes and sizes - while offering plenty of room to add a name, contact information, or a friendly message.

For more information on Why Choose Stick On Name Labels? talk to Stikins Name Labels

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