As the winter chill draws closer, safeguarding your chiller systems is important to prevent potential damage and ensure uninterrupted operation during these inevitable colder months. Here are three helpful tips to help you prepare your chillers effectively:
1. Check your Glycol Levels – maintaining the right glycol levels is a key safeguard against frost-related damage. Use a refractometer to measure glycol concentration, aiming for a minimum of 22%. This not only protects your system from freezing but also acts as a defense against the formation of contaminants in your process water.
2. Chiller Crankcase Heaters – most external chillers will have heaters wrapped around the compressors to ensure the compressor body is kept above a minimum temperature. It is important they work to prevent damage to the compressors, and remember, DO NOT TURN OFF the electrical supply to your chillers over your Christmas breaks or these heaters cannot work.
3. Maintain Power to Circulatory Pumps - To prevent the safety circuit from triggering and the pumps from ceasing operation, leave the electrical supply on even during breaks or periods of inactivity. This precaution ensures that circulatory pumps remain operational, facilitating a consistent and reliable flow of water through the chiller system.
If you need any further advice on how to protect your chillers this winter and ensure they remain working at optimum conditions over the colder period, call us on 01827 213 401, or email hello@summitprocesscooling.co.uk.
For more information on REMINDER: 3 Ways To Protect Your Chillers This Winter! talk to Summit Process Cooling