About Us
TALENS ENGINEERING LIMITED started in Liverpool in January 2017 with two main objectives:
1) To fill a gap in the engineering market: Contract engineering specialised in life sciences
We know by our experience how difficult it can be to find contract engineers with a strong background in GMP design and a proper understanding of the complex processes that life science applications involve
We also know how inefficient and expensive are learning curves and perfect mechanical designs that are not applicable to the specifics of our process and need to be redesigned again and again.
2) To expand the business from BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY to the UK market.
BETWEEN technology has the main design centre in Barcelona and from there we provide engineering services to a great many countries. With the new design centre in Liverpool we can now offer an even better service to our customers in the United Kingdom.
We have engineering resources in Barcelona and Liverpool and handle every project with resources from one specific design centre or both depending on the specific needs of each customer and project. Our design centre in Liverpool specialises in pharmaceutical and life science related applications whilst our team in Barcelona serves the aerospace, automotive and other industrial markets.