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Chapin 20075 Bleach Sprayer, Weed Killer, Fertiliser & Mould Remover, 3.8ltr

Chapin Bleach Sprayer 3.8 litres

Chapin’s 20075 bleach sprayer is perfect to help clean mildew, algae or any type of mold removal and disinfectant

Bleach Sprayer features:

  • 3.8 litre funnel-top, translucent tank for easy filling and cleaning
  • Poly shut-off, reinforced hose and wand holder
  • Adjustable cone nozzle
  • Ergonomic handle for easy pumping and carrying
  • Compatible with bleach solutions and fungicides

    1 year manufacturer warranty

    For more information on Chapin 20075 Bleach Sprayer, Weed Killer, Fertiliser & Mould Remover, 3.8ltr talk to Tools House

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