An increase in new builds brings new legislation and a surge in the demand for heat recovery products as building efficiency is improved. Buildings are becoming more airtight and consequently less fresh air can circulate. Since all buildings need a source of fresh air, the need for a MVHR unit has become obvious.
Working alongside our customers, Axair Fans can supply quality components for domestic and commercial heat recovery systems. Many systems feature two fans, one to take out stale air and one to bring in fresh air. The incoming and outgoing air stream runs over the heat exchanger allowing the outgoing air to pass thermal energy to the incoming air without the two air streams actually mixing together. When installing a MVHR system, each building will be different with geometry and length of duct work varying resulting in very different pressure losses on each installation.
Axair's GRE & GRF series of single inlet, forward curved centrifugal EC fans from Ecofit, are designed with built in constant volume software enabling regulation of the impeller speed to maintain its preset volume against variable pressure. With constant volume software on board, the Axair fans can be preset during assembly of the MVHR to deliver the specified volume required on site. The install team then provide power and the MVHR will automatically provide the desired airflow.
For more information on EC Constant Volume Fans For Efficient Heat Recovery talk to Axair Fans UK Ltd