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 Specialist Super Abrasive Honing Stones

Delapena sintered products, part of the delapena group

Optimizing honing of hard metals
Manufacturers of Diamond, CBN, and specialist super abrasives for hard to hone materials.
·        ChromeStone
·        InconelStone
·        StainlessStone
·        TitaniumStone

With delapena HQ based in the UK, we can offer you:
·        Next Day delivery of standard products within the UK.
·        UK Internal Sales team who you can contact five days a week.
·        Technical UK support team.
·        Sales Manager in your area weekly
·        Consultancy, Honing reviews, Training and more.

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For more information on Specialist Super Abrasive Honing Stones talk to Delapena Honing Equipment Ltd

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