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Tips for Better Quality Videos on Your Phone or Laptop

Whether you have an upcoming presentation over Zoom, or a virtual job interview taking place over video call, it is important to ensure you make the most of the tools you are working with.

As videographers in London, we work with some high-quality equipment, allowing us to create visually stunning productions, but we understand that not everyone is equipped with professional cameras and sound equipment.

This doesn’t mean you can’t achieve a high-quality video from the comfort of your home. Follow these helpful tips to ensure your phone or webcam videos are executed to the very best standard.


1. Lighting

Lighting can truly make or break your phone or webcam video. Whether you’re presenting yourself well in an interview, or you’re the main speaker on an important presentation, good lighting will ensure that shadows are kept down to a minimum (which can lower the quality of your image) and that you can be seen.

● Soft natural light is the best. Film in the daytime and place the camera/computer in front of the window so you are facing the window.
● Avoid being too close to the window or any harsh or direct sunlight shining onto you. This won’t be picked up well on camera.
● Choose a good time of the day so it’s not too late in the afternoon for it to start getting dark or a big difference in the light depending on how the sun moves.
● Make sure the sun is not in your eyes or making you squint.
● Switch off any overhead lights that can cause strange-looking shadows on your face.
● Place a reading lamp that is out of sight behind your head at a 45-degree angle above and to the side of your head. This halo effect and make you stand out from the background.


2. External sounds

Noise interruptions can be very disruptive, even for professional videographers. When you’re videoing yourself in a domestic setting, there are plenty of potential background noises to be wary of.

● Close all doors and windows to have the room as quiet as possible. Extra traffic, people, children and music sounds etc. should be avoided or muted as much as possible.
● Ask your family not to interrupt you.


3. Sound quality

Not being able to hear a presenter of a webinar or the candidate you are interviewing is not an ideal situation. There are a few crucial steps to take to ensure your sound quality will be the best it can possibly be when conducting at-home video meetings.

● If you don’t have a microphone, keeping the room as quiet as possible (see point 2).
● If you will be speaking a lot during your video, consider getting an external clip-on microphone to connect to your computer. Some plug into your computer with a USB connection or others work with Bluetooth.
● There are some very reasonably priced ones on eBay or Amazon.


4. Camera/phone/laptop position

As professional videographers, it is part of our job to ensure that angles and camera positioning are implemented correctly to ensure for a high-quality production. You may not be using the same specialist equipment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve the best angles with the tools you have at home.
● Place your laptop/phone on a box or some books on a table so the computer camera is at your eye level.
● You don’t want to look down into your computer screen or phone. Camera angles from below are the least flattering.
● Don’t sit too close so it distorts your face. At arm’s length is fine if you need to change slides etc.
● Don’t let your whole face fill the frame. You should have your head in the shot along with your shoulders up to the middle of your torso.
● Frame the picture so you don’t cut off the top of your head but also don’t have too much space above your head.
● Look directly into the lens when speaking instead of your own image on the screen or the slides.


5. Background

It is a good idea to assess your background before starting your video. An overly cluttered background could detract from what you are saying, and your points might not come across properly.

You might have to move some furniture around to have a good looking background. Clear away any unnecessary things standing around.


6. Presenting yourself.
Even though you might be at home, dress as if you would when attending a conference or an interview (for the top half that is showing on the camera at least, so you can still keep your comfy slippers on!).


Need more tips? Contact our London videographers today

For many years our team have been providing professional videography services across London. From conference livestreaming through to event filming, our knowledge and expertise allow us to help those who are adapting to these new methods of communication that have grown in prevalence since the beginning of the pandemic.

To speak to our videographers directly about any of our services, or to seek more tips, please call 07961985008, or send an email to Alternatively, you can leave us a message using the online contact form.

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