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Reduce Risks with Automatic Testing

Automatic testing saves time, money, labour, and removes the risk of human error and workplace injury at critical control points on a food processing line.


Halo is Fortress Technology’s award-winning automatic testing device. Designed to be used on gravity, pipeline and conveyor metal detectors, it challenges the least sensitive part of the metal detector aperture – the exact centre – and simulates the exact product speed.


Real-time GFSI audit and QC results are instantly logged via Contact USB without having to physically pass and retrieve three metal test samples. Tests can be timed or manually activated. Production lines only halt if metal detector or reject checks fail.


“Halo provides the perfect blend of inspection continuity, contaminant detection, machine performance and safety,” endorses Packaging Engineer Manvine Bharj from Ardent Mills. Automatic testing also significantly improves the reliability, quality and accuracy of each and every test, as they are programmed for a specific time, and cannot be carried out retrospectively.

For more information on Reduce Risks with Automatic Testing talk to Fortress Technology Europe

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