December News 2024

December proved to be a busy month for both production and new sales opportunities. Three further Proam ammonia monitors were purchased for Severn Trent Water final effluent monitoring applications. We also received purchased orders for replacement turbidity instrumentation for numerous sites within Wessex Water, for final effluent monitoring and for potable water production, within Affinity Water. Two trace level DO sensors were supplied for a power station boiler water monitoring application to ensure DO is correctly scavenged to protect against corrosion.
Additionally our Taiwanese distributor, Atlas Technology, has placed an order for two Proam Annona monitors. The application is for waste water monitoring in a range of 0-500mg/l as N and the end user is the Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).
Whilst Forbes Marshall, our Indian distributor, has placed and order for a Protoc 300 TOC analyser ranged 0-4,000 PPM, for a refinery waste water project. The instrument will be configured for a periodic automatic caustic wash to clean the internal tubing to minimise maintenance. Forbes Marshall will oversee the installation including the sample delivery system.
For more information on December News 2024 talk to Pollution & Process Monitoring Ltd